Tesla was an inventor, mechanical engineer and electrical engineer of Serbo-Croatian origin.
He is best known for his numerous inventions in the field of electromagnetism , developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
His patents and theoretical work helped lay the foundation for modern systems for using alternating current (AC) electric power , including the polyphase electrical distribution system and the alternating current motor , which contributed to the emergence of the Second Industrial Revolution.
His character, his confrontation with Edison and the halo of mystery surrounding some of his discoveries have made Tesla a very popular scientist since the 1990s, with an abundant bibliography available about his life and work .
Nikola Tesla and his vision of the universe as a number, vibration, energy
“If you knew the magnificence of the numbers 3, 6 and 9, you would have the key to the universe . ”
Nikola Tesla had pinpointed an enigmatic code of creation and universal energy that manifests as the material world . Tesla followed a kind of organizational ritual , always doing things in sets of three .
In the following video we can see the remarkable combinations that these numbers have , particularly 9 , which has a series of significant coincidences that make us think that perhaps this number really is in the very program that generates the world.
Properties of 9 and its connections with 3 and 6
They are based on the 360 degrees of a circle , a number that was chosen somewhat arbitrarily, according to some mathematicians.
In mathematical terms, a circle could have 400 degrees, a thousand degrees, or whatever. But 360 is a particularly abundant number , that is, it has many factors: it can be divided into 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12… parts.
While a number like 400 cannot be divided even into three equal parts of whole numbers, 360 is similar to the 365 days of the solar year , which is a kind of cosmic circle , used early in astrology and astronomy and other cultures.
TESLA: The sky was divided into the 12 signs of the zodiac
Each occupying 30 degrees , an approximation to a month, the circle being considered a perfect and divine form and therefore 360 also a divine number . The ancient Vedics made this same division of an astronomical wheel with 12 spokes and 360 pegs. For modern science, however, there is no conclusive explanation.
Let’s look at some of the sequences that the video highlights:
If you add 9 to any number, it eventually adds up to the same number :
1+9=10 (=1); 2+9=11 (=2); 3+9=12 (=3); etc.
On the other hand, it is known that if we add all the numbers from 1 to 10 without including 9 we have : 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8= 36 (3+6=9)
By necessity, then, adding 9 brings back 9. Likewise, if you add all the numbers 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9=45 (4+5=9). This leads the authors of the video to suggest that 9 models totality and nothingness simultaneously. It is singularity and emptiness at the same time.
This is seen like this: since the sum of all the digits leads to 9, so also 9 + any other digit returns to the same digit: 9-5: 14 (1+4:5).
So literally 9 equals all the digits (36) and nothingness or no-thing (0). We see here a description of creation as a dynamic process – not a thing, not static – in which totality equals nothingness – nothingness which is absolute potentiality.
Other interesting relationships with 9
The day has 1,440 minutes that add up to 9.
The day has 86,400 seconds, which add up to 9.
The week has 10,080 minutes, which add up to 9.
The year has 525,600 minutes, which add up to 9.
A circle in space is made up of 360 degrees (3+6+0=9), half of which is 180 degrees (1+8=9), half of which is 90 degrees (9+0=9), half of which is 45 (4+5=9), half of which is 22.5 (2+2+5=), half of which is 11.25 (1+1+2+5=9) and the sum of 9 of each half, and so on to infinity.
Perhaps it is also worth mentioning the fact that pregnancy in humans usually lasts 9 months or 36 weeks.