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Why is everything related to the ANUNNAKI prohibited?

ANUNNAKI: Many people expect the story of the Sumerian Gods in a Hollywood saga, which delights us with great special effects and everything related to their story, THE STORY , especially when this has more than enough script for a saga. However, since the massive dissemination of the ” MYTH ” by the author Zecharia Sitchin at the end of the last century, the film industry seems to refuse to touch the subject directly .

This fact is part of a large conspiracy to hide the true origins of humanity.

What does science say about the ANUNNAKI?

The idea of ​​the “ Anunnaki ” comes from theories proposed by Zecharia Sitchin in his books, especially in the “Earth Chronicles” series. Sitchin claimed that the Anunnaki were an ancient extraterrestrial race that had visited Earth in the past and influenced the development of human civilization.

The scientific community considers these claims by Sitchin as pseudoscience or conspiracy theories.

It is important to note that most of the scientific community regards these claims by Sitchin as pseudoscience or conspiracy theories with no solid evidence to support them. Experts in archaeology, anthropology and other related disciplines have found no conclusive evidence of the existence of the Anunnaki or their influence on human history.

Furthermore, Sitchin’s specific claims about how the Anunnaki would have interacted with humans and influenced human civilization are not supported by archaeological evidence or current scientific understanding of human history.

In summary, from a scientific perspective

The idea of ​​the Anunnaki as an extraterrestrial race that visited Earth and played a significant role in human development has no empirical support and is considered a pseudoscientific theory with no solid basis in evidence. Scientific research is based on tangible proof and rigorous methods of data evaluation, and to date, no credible evidence has been found to support these claims.

Who is Zecharia Sitchin?

Zecharia Sitchin (1920-2010) was an Azerbaijani-born, American-born author and writer. He is best known for his writings on theories related to ancient astronautics, astroarchaeology, and alleged extraterrestrial influence on human history.

Sitchin is famous for his series of books called “The Earth Chronicles,” in which he develops his theories about extraterrestrial intervention in human history, with a particular focus on the alleged influence of the “Anunnaki.”

According to Sitchin, the Anunnaki were an ancient race of extraterrestrial beings who visited Earth in the distant past and who are believed to have influenced the evolution of human civilization. He argued that these beings played a role in the creation of humanity and in teaching advanced knowledge to ancient civilizations, such as the Sumerians.

It is important to note that Sitchin’s theories are not widely accepted by the scientific community and are largely regarded as pseudoscience. His interpretations of ancient texts and mythologies have been criticized by scholars and experts in various disciplines, such as archaeology and linguistics, who argue that his claims are based on misunderstandings of ancient texts and are not supported by solid evidence.

In summary, Zecharia Sitchin was an author who gained notoriety for his controversial theories about extraterrestrial influence on human history, particularly through his writings on the Anunnaki. However, these theories are not considered part of the mainstream of scientific research and are subject to skepticism and criticism from the academic community.

To speak of the ANUNNAKI is to deny the creation of everything by God. IT WOULD BE THE BREAKUP OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH – The Anunnaki (ancient Akkadian transcription by the Sumerian Anunna)

Many researchers theorize that the Human Race is an experimental creation of those beings called Anunnaki . Although many deny this theory, the truth is that this remains a controversial and highly discussed topic in various intellectual and scientific circles .

But let’s focus on the movie itself. Let’s assume that all this stuff about the Anunnaki is fake . If so, the movie should have simply played like a thousand other science fiction movies about aliens, but that didn’t happen.

Why was this movie censored?

The ANUNNAKI film showed truths that humanity should not have to consider nor know, how many church followers could stop believing the reason for our creation, changing the metaphor of Adam and Eve (In the Abrahamic religions, Adam and Eve were the first man and woman to populate the Earth.

They were made by God on the sixth day of creation  when, taking studies from the Sumerian tablets, they tell us a totally different story from thousands of years ago with evidence that Adam and Eve were two prototypes of genetic engineering of those times made by the famous alien race from the planet Nibiru. FROM THEM THE HUMAN RACE WOULD BE CREATED.

NIBIRU is real, and its orbit around our Sun has been known since the Sumerians .

NIBIRU had all the data in the banned film

It is very ironic that after starting production overnight, having done such excellent work, the producer and director simply did not feel like showing the film to the public and decided to disappear from the face of the Earth, along with the actors and everyone else involved in the making of this film.

Neither reptilians nor aliens: the term Anunnaki refers to a group of gods in Mesopotamian mythology. Some sources say so.

According to cuneiform texts, the Anunna or Anunnaki were a group of gods belonging to the Mesopotamian pantheon. However, some pseudoscientific theories want to explain them as extraterrestrial beings who could have colonized the Earth.

What do the Sumerian-Akkadian texts tell us about the Anunnaki?

How is historical evidence used to create a fantastic story?

Anunna in Ancient Mesopotamia

In Sumerian texts, Anunnaki is a collective term for the chief god of the Mesopotamian pantheon, or the chief god of the city. The possible etymology of the Sumerian term a-nun or a-nun-na indicates the meaning of “descendants of princes.”