The loss of a loved one is a painful experience that leaves us with a deep void. In the midst of grief, it is common for us to look for signs or visits from our deceased loved ones, as a way to feel their presence and find comfort.
But are these visits real or simply a creation of our own mind, a product of the longing to be with them again?
Science has not been able to conclusively prove the existence of visitations from deceased loved ones. However, many people claim to have had experiences in which they have felt the presence of their loved ones in a very real way.
Some believe that these visits can be interpreted as a form of communication between the world of the living and the dead. Others think that they are simply manifestations of our own desire to maintain a bond with those who are no longer physically with us.
Regardless of how we interpret it, these visits can be comforting and help us in our grieving process. They allow us to feel that our loved ones are close, even if they are no longer physically present.
Visits from deceased loved ones
- Spiritual Perspective : From a spiritual or religious perspective, many people believe that they are real and represent a spiritual communication or presence. This can provide comfort and a sense of connection to the afterlife. These experiences may include dreams, visions, signs, or sensations of presence.
- Psychological Perspective : From a psychological perspective, they can be interpreted as manifestations of the human mind in response to grief and the longing to be close to the deceased person. The mind may create these experiences as a way of coping with the loss and finding comfort.
- Cultural and Traditional : Beliefs about visitations by deceased loved ones are often rooted in cultural and spiritual traditions. In some cultures, it is considered common and normal for deceased loved ones to visit the living. These beliefs influence how people interpret these experiences.
- Subjective Experiences : Experiences of visits from deceased loved ones are highly subjective and personal. What one person experiences as a real visit may be interpreted by another as a creation of their mind.
- Comforting Effect : Regardless of their origin, for many people, these experiences provide comfort and help in the grieving process. They can offer a sense of closure or moving on.
Ultimately, the question of whether visitations from deceased loved ones are “real” or a creation of one’s own is complex and multifaceted.
It will largely depend on each individual’s beliefs and personal perspective. Some people will see them as a form of genuine communication with the afterlife, while others will interpret them as responses to their emotional need to maintain a connection with deceased loved ones. The important thing is that these experiences can be meaningful and therapeutic for those who experience them, regardless of their background.