A subliminal message is a message or signal designed to pass below (sub) the normal (liminal) limits of perception.
Examples include a message in a song, inaudible to the conscious mind but audible to the unconscious or deep mind; or an image transmitted so briefly (such as a tenth of a second) that it is missed by the conscious mind but still perceived unconsciously.
The person may not perceive the message consciously, but may do so subconsciously.
Subliminal messages can range from simple commercials to induce the consumption of a product, to messages that can change – in some way – a person’s attitude.
It is worth noting that an almost total consensus among psychologists and researchers came to the conclusion that subliminal messages do not produce a powerful or lasting effect on behavior, unless they are present in people ‘s lives in an excessive way.
Biokinesis is the manipulation of the body using the mind. The specified practice features the manipulation of the color of one’s own eyes.
This can be dangerous if you are not careful enough when using it or if you stop practicing the process between starting and finishing .
Biokinesis control theory
We can use it to strengthen our mental capacity , stimulating our GENETICS .
Biokinesis is the use of kinetic energy or mental control to make changes in genetics.
DO NOT use subliminal audios if you suffer from EPILEPSY
The vast majority of subliminal audios have sound waves that induce the brain to relax.
On the other hand, there is no problem for an epileptic person to listen to a subliminal audio that does NOT contain these waves.
Note: Complete audios can be made without waves and their effect can be replaced by relaxation exercises (for example meditation ).
All about Biokinesis – Changing eye color
Biokinesis: Techniques applied to change or affect the behavior of an organ in the body through the mind, such as heart rate , breathing rate, or the functioning of the nervous system.
Some people practice it to cure some disease or to make a change in some part of the body.
This term has become an object of study since it has been applied specifically to change the color of the eyes , as well as the color of the hair, skin and to reduce wrinkles on it.
Those who practice this technique indicate that it is not only about making modifications to certain physical aspects of oneself, but it also allows one to control or manipulate other people through the mind.
Please note that if this technique is not done correctly, it can cause adverse health effects.
Important : Biokinesis has not been scientifically proven and has no data to support it . It is not recommended to practice it because it is not known whether it can have side effects.
Biokinesis Technique
Before going to sleep or just when you wake up, breathe deeply and imagine that your eye color (or whatever you want to change) slowly changes to the color you want to have.
After doing this for a while, look in the mirror and while imagining the change you have made, you should feel that the eye color has already become possible.
This process must be repeated every day to achieve personal conviction that it is possible to achieve it.
The easiest part of all in this procedure is to relax, close your eyes and breathe gently while listening to subliminal messages or viewing printed or digital images.
There are too many related videos on the YouTube platform.
Biokinesis is part of the branch that studies paranormal and extrasensory phenomena . This technique has not been scientifically proven, nor is there reliable data to support it.
BIOKINESIS has become popular over time , those who know about it, put forward some recommendations:
Important: Biokinesis
-Do not obsess over the results. It is suggested that people who perform this method first complete a series of workshops and studies to understand psychic abilities.
DESPABILATE.COM is not responsible for the use of this information, which is not supported by SCIENCE. It is your responsibility to carry out your own research on the subject.